Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
new orleans.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
But to me, this is a picture of my grandmother.
She was beautiful, loving, and often times, demanding.
I give her all the credit for turning me into a girly girl.
Dresses, bows, you name it and she made sure that's all I wore.
Looking back, I remember so much yet so little about her.
I remember going with her to the beauty shop every Friday.
I remember her cooking spaghetti for me because she knew it was my favorite.
I remember her playing with my hair until I fell asleep.
I did my homework with her, she was a perfectionist.
Her favorite hobby was cleaning.
When I was ten, she started getting sick. Often.
As I left her house one afternoon, I remember telling her 'bye'
And making sure she knew I loved her.
The next day, she was in ICU.
She never came home.
I hate the fact that I was never able to go in and see her one last time.
I hate the fact that she was gone too soon.
Often times I wonder what she would think of me now.
Would she be proud of me?
I think about her so much, even though she has been gone eleven years.
When people see me they say, "You were Nancy's granddaughter.
You look just like her."
It's so hard to hear that. Even now.
I wish she could have seen me grow up.
I wish I could remember more about her.
I know how much my grandfather loved her. He adored her.
I think that as I've grown older, and realized what an important
person I lost at such a young age, it has made me never take life for granted.
You are given every day to make a difference in someone else's life or even your own.
Never take a day with the people you love the most for granted.
Goodbyes are hard, life changing.
But they make you think, about life.
I'm so lucky to have had a wonderful grandmother that loved me.
I'm blessed.
Monday, August 23, 2010
- i hop
- watching girly movies ( The Last Song )
- birthday cake milkshakes
- shopping
- greasy but amazing food
- Beale Street
- Mud Island and the greatest museum ever
I had the best weekend ever.
I give the boyfriend full credit for that.
I know that it could have been just another day,
but he made sure it was amazing.
I'm so lucky and now that I'm back home, I realize that.
I wouldn't have changed a thing about my birthday.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Isn't he cute?
I have the biggest crush on my own boyfriend.
I never stop smiling the whole time he is home.
It's like I'm a kid all over again.
I absolutely love this feeling.
I'm hoping that this week passes by quickly. (fingers crossed)
Not only will I be turning 21 this coming up weekend,
but I will also be making a trip to Memphis.
AND, I am painting my room.
Goodbye pink room.
Now there's something to celebrate.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
As I made my way around campus, I thought of all the great memories

Brooke fixing my hair on the way to the games.

Touch of Gold. Maybe, just a little.
Rides to the game, and the late night rides home.

Getting dressed up for the Halloween dance.
Dancing with Ethan.

Crawfish Thursdays and our walks to Corner Market for ice cream.

Saints games and dancing at them.

Ropers. No need for an explanation.

The addiction to Old Athens Grill.

Webcam pictures with the roommates.
Now it's time to close this chapter of my life and begin a new one.
I'm ready.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
red lipstick.

While some girls favorite accessory is jewelry, scarves, shoes, purses, etc, etc,
Mine has and will always be my red lipstick.
I know that you're thinking "Red lipstick? Seriously?"
Yes. Red lipstick is my favorite accessory.
Most people could never imagine having such a bright color on their face.
For me, I guess I'd rather stand out than "blend in".
I think that's my philosophy for life as well.
I've never felt like I have had to go along with the crowd.
The past few years have defined my life, I've had ups and downs,
but along the way I found myself. I realized my passions and what I want to accomplish in life.
Will I ever accomplish them all? Probably not.
But at least I can say I have ambition, a drive, a strong grip on my life.
I want to make a difference in this world.
I want to give back to this world that has so richly blessed me.
Most people are content with their life. They get by with the absolute basics.
I never want to get to that point in my life.
I want to live life, never taking a single day for granted.
But most of all my hope and desire is to put my passions into actions.
So, like red lipstick, I want to stand out.
I want to add color to a world that so many times only sees in black and white.
It's so important in this life to find something you are passionate about.
Every day, I hope that I can choose not to blend in.
Red lipstick will always be my reminder to stand out and make a difference.
What's your reminder?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
remember me.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
lessons of life.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
here goes.

These are my wonderful parents. Who do I look like? Your guess is as good as mine.

This is my sister. One day, I want to be just like her.

These are my best friends. I don't know what I'd do without them.
I am thankful for the people I have in my life. God has truly blessed me.
Now that you've met my family and the main people in my life,
I can't wait to start sharing my life adventures.
This is going to be lovely.
what's up?

- meredith ryann
- my saying in life is that "you have to try everything once." i love every single aspect of my life. when i grow up, i want to do incredible things and make a difference in people's lives. that's my passion.