Thursday, March 18, 2010

remember me.

Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant.
But it is very important that you do it.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we've touched.
Last night, I had the opportunity to go see the movie Remember Me.
It is the most beautifully portrayed movie I've ever seen.
It's highly unpredictable. And that's why I can't get enought of it.
Besides the fact that Robert Pattinson is easy on the eyes,
this is a movie that I would suggest everyone to go and see.
Today, I had a long day at the hospital. 12 hours. 12 hours.
But when I got home, I had my wonderful grandfather at the door
greeting me and welcoming me home.
He is so happy and carefree even in his old age.
We talked about anything and everything over dinner.
My grandfather suffers from a mild case of Alzheimers,
but he always amazes me with the stories he can remember.
We talked about everything from when I was a little girl to
him wearing a fanny pack on our Disney World vacation.
I hope that he never ceases to remember.
I can always hear my childhood stories from my parents,
but to hear him tell the stories makes me love the stories even more.
His memory is something that he clings to,
the thing that is familiar to him of the way life use to be.
I hope that he always remembers me
so that I will always be able to hear the stories that come straight from his heart.

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